During 2023-24, the Ashrama continued its endeavors towards addressing the root causes of unemployment in rural tribal villages, through its unique model of residential training programmes to build confidence in rural youths and enable them to launch their own enterprises. There are three types of training programmes, which are offered by Divyayan KVK viz. On-campus, Off campus specialized courses and NIOS linked multi skill training curriculum with value education at their core.
All these training programmes are mainly meant for tribal youths with free board and lodging facility sponsored partially by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA), Govt. of India; Deptt. of Welfare, Govt. of Jharkhand; Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) through KVK and others.

Training Programmes for Rural Youth in Agriculture and Allied Trade (On-campus)

Objective of this training programme is to make the trainee self reliant by launching his own enterprise. Hence every trainee needs to undergo extensive practical training. Every effort is made to change the mind set of the trainees and to make them sincere, disciplined and co-operative. Emphasis is also given on developing managerial skills and they are being exposed to real life circumstances to empower them to face any eventuality that may arise during the running of their own enterprises. Training is given in different trades viz. Bee-keeper, Lac Producer, Mali Training/Supervisor, Mushroom Producer, Soil Health Management, Fisheries, Organic Grower, Poultry, Dairy, Pump Repairing, Electrician, Carpentry and Welding. These courses are of 1.5 month, 3 months, and 6 months duration depending upon the trade. During the reporting period (2023-24), 973 trainees were provided training in different trades.

Training Programme on Integrated Farming System for Practicing Farmers and Farm Women (Off-campus)

Training programmes on “Integrated Farming” of 45-days duration are conducted in villages for practicing farmers and farm women as they are unable to attend the long duration residential training programme due to lack of time and their engagement in farming. These training programmes are conducted on different thematic areas like Bee Keeping, lac production, mushroom production etc. During the reporting period (2023-24), 564 trainees were trained in 13

Sponsored Training Programme
Sponsored training programmes are conducted for different participants sponsored by different govt. and non-govt. organisations. These custom made courses are of 3-days, 5 days, 10days and 15 days duration.

Short Course Training Programme
These training programmes are mainly for the practicing farmers and rural youth which are conducted under skill development programme of Krishi Vigyan Kendra project .

NIOS and University Linked Multi Skill Training Programme with Moral and Spiritual Education

During the reporting year 2023-24, 46 students were enrolled in Secondary and 101 in Senior Secondary courses of NIOS along with vocational courses of Divyayan. It is a novel approach to effect synergy of instructions, i.e. integration of skill development education and academic education along with moral and spiritual education.
Details of the different training programmes conducted during the year 2023-24 are as given below: 

Subject Duration No. of Batches No of Trainees
Training Programme on Integrated Farming
Bee Keeping based Integrated Farming  45 Days 3 136
Lac based Integrated Farming 45 Days 4 166
Mushroom based Integrated Farming 45 Days 6 262
Training Programmes on Agriculture and Allied Trade (On-campus)
Aquaculture 03 Months  1 1
Bee-Keeper 45 Days  7 106
Dairy Farmer  03 Months  4 58
Dairy Supervisor  06 Months  1 2
Electrician 06 Months  1 9
Gardener 03 Months  4 19
Health Management of Chicks (Poultry)  03 Months  4 65
Lac Cultivation  45 Days  1 41
Mali Supervisor  06 Months  1 2
Mushroom Cultivation  45 Days  7 14
Organic Grower  03 Months  4 44
Soil Health Management  03 Months  4 44
Welding 06 Months  1 4
Short and Sponsored Courses
Capacity Building on Bio Input  Resource Centre, Production and Marketing 05 days  1 33
Climate Resilient Livlihood activities  03 Days  2 63
Crop Based Integrated Farming System  05 days  1 29
Farm machinery  05 days  1 27
Food processing  05 days  1 30
Goat farming  05 days  1 39
Health management of chicks  05 days  1 15
Horticulture based integrated  Farming system 05 days  2 46
 Improved Tech. of Poultry and duckery  05 days  1 44
Integrated Farming System  05 days  9 185
Integrated Nutrient Management  15 days  2 91
Live stock production and Management  05 days  1 28
Mali Training  25 days  2 60
Mushroom Production  1 to 6 days  4 122
Post Harvest Management of Ravi Crops  05 days  1 34
Poultry Based Integrated Farming  05 days  1 38
Poultry, Duckery and Goatery  05 days  2 87
Safe and Judicious use of Glyphosate  03 days  1 51
Scientific Bee Keeping  05 days  1 55
Seed Processing and storage of Mustard  02 days  1 30
Seed Production and storage of Rabi Crop  05 days  1 23
Seed Production and Storage Method  05 days  1 31
  Total 91 2134
One Day Off-Campus Training Programme Under KVK :
Subject  No. Of Trg Programme No. Of Participants
Programmes Participants 2 35
Cultivation and value addition of millets  1 25
Dairy cattle management  1 20
Dairy farming  2 52
Duck farming  1 14
Effect of turmeric powder as immunomodulator in chicks. 1 50
Finger millet  1 32
Food preservation  1 20
Girdling in litchi  1 8
Goat Farming  2 58
Goat Nutrition management in Goats  1 21
Health management of backyard poultry  1 22
Health management of cattle and goats  1 16
Healthy food for Pregnant lady  1 27
Hygiene and sanitation  2 188
Importance of Animal Husbandry in Natural Farming 2 86
Integrated Pest Management  1 35
Jal Shakti & water conservation  1 30
Kharif Oilseed production  1 13
Lac and Bee Keeping  1 35
Lac Cultivation  1 34
Lac Pest Management and Lac Cultivation  3 111
Liquid nutrient management in mustard crop  2 52
Litchi and Fig plantation  1 26
Locally available healthy food  1 21
Management practices to prevent bovine mastitis 1 15
Millet based recipe preparation  1 27
Millet Production  1 40
Mushroom Production  2 52
Mustard cultivation  4 130
Natural Farming  5 166
Nutrient management in backyard chicken  2 36
Nutrients management of goats  1 12
Nutrigarden  2 75
Operation of Cono Weeder  1 13
Operation of wheel Hoe  1 13
Organic farming and Natural Farming  1 24
Paddy Seed Production  1 26
Preparation of tamarind candy  1 20
Processing of millet  1 105
Production of fodder  1 36
Pulses Cultivation  1 52
Rainwater harvesting  2 67
Repair and maintenance of agriculture machinery  1 55
Scientific Lac Cultivation  1 27
Seed treatment and post harvest management  1 34
Seed treatment, sowing method, fertilizer requirement, IPM and INM for Kharif Pulses 1 39
Selection of variety in major Kharif crops  1 46
SRI technology  1 44
Training on cultivation of grafted tomato for better yield and disease resistance 1 7
Use and operation of battery operated sprayer  1 15
Use and operation of sal leaf plate making machine  1 7
Use of Jeevanu Khad and Veejamrit in cultivation of Linseed and Lentril 1 34
Value addition of Rabi crop  1 50
Vegetable cultivation in Kharif season  1 14
Vegetable pea production  1 28
Vegetable Production in Rabi  1 8
Vermi composting  1 20
Waste Management  1 23
Water conservation technology  1 21
Total  95 2405

                updated on 16-10-2024