
The tribal region of then Bihar now Jharkhand did not escape the ken of Swami Vivekananda's eyes. Swamiji had a vision to establish a technical school and gradually a centre in the tribal area of Chhotanagpur where new ways of food production would be discovered. In this context he mentioned that in central India near Hazaribagh and such other districts of the region of Bihar, a big plot of land would have to be acquired for the purpose.

Divyayan Training Unit

Divyayan Training Unit houses different laboratories and spacious class room with audio-visual facility to build scientific temperament in the trainees, Divyayan has state-of-the-art laboratories like :Soil and plant testing lab., Honey Testing Lab., Plant Protection Lab.,Mushroom Production Lab., Bio-Fertiliser Lab., Tissue culture lab. etc.

Divyayan Hostel

A 100 bedded hostel is there to accommodate the trainees of various residential training programme on agriculture and allied subject.

Agricultural-cum-horticultural Demonstration Farm

There  are  three   agricultural-cum-horticultural farm at Divyayan, Getalsud and Maheshpur. These farms are for demonstration on maximization of yields, comparison of orchards, dry-land agriculture (Particularly pulses and oil seeds)etc.

Progeny Orchard

A progeny Orchard has been developed in the Divyayan campus for the demonstration and training in Mali training and horticulture training. The orchard consists of different varieties of tree like Mango, Amla, Guava, Litchi, Coconut, Barry etc.

Mushroom Training Unit

This unit has been added in 1993. Along with the training, arrangements have been made to supply commercial spawn to the trainees for adopting production  of mushroom as a cottage industry. During 2007-08 unit produced 4745 packets of spawn for distribution/sale  and it produced 221.35 kg.


Poultry farm demonstrating various methods of rearing poultry birds; broilers and layers. Divyayan  KVK  has  developed a cross breed; (cross of local breed with Rhode Island Red) called “Divyayan Red” (DR) which is very popular in this area. The bird lay 150  eggs  under village conditions against the local birds laying only 50-60 eggs in a year, and are resistant to    diseases.  Divyayan  has  installed  incubator  with hatching  capacity  of  2700  Divyayan  Red  eggs  at a time, for  propagation in  the villages.


Dairy Unit with 58 heads of exotic cattle provides opportunity to the trainees to learn about

· Cross breed cows: rearing and management

· feed Preparation

· AI service for breed improvement

· Supply of input – cow dung to bio-gas plants.

· Fodder production and trials

· Marketing of by-products

Artificial Fish Hatchery

An artificial fish hatchery has been installed for training and demonstration purpose for the trainees of Fisheries to make them aware of the technology involved in producing fish fingerlings.


For training and demonstration purpose a  fish –cum-duck unit has been created

Apiary Training Unit

A mini unit at bee-boxes and hives for training (even though small) serves the purpose of training farm-boys attending motivational as well as special courses. This unit of Divyayan KVK also extends the facility of marketing honey produced by participant farmers. During the year the unit has collected and sold more than 88.81 qtls of honey and  472 units of Bee boxes with bee colonies were made available to farmers. The major activity on bee-keeping and honey production is spread over to 26 out of 75 adopted villages of Ranchi district.

Soil-testing, Vermiculture, Bio-fertilizer Units

 These units are there to motivate farmers to take up integrated nutrient  management  on  the  basis  of soil tests. Farmers are advised  to  apply  boron  to  cauliflower  and   other vegetables, sulphur to mustrad, molybdenum to pulses, zinc to mazie etc., in addition to  major  nutrients,  depending  on  the  status   of these nutrients  and  crops  to  be grown.  During   the  year  1192   soil samples were  analyzed in t he laboratory and same number of farmers were given recommendation of fertilizer doses and they adopted  the   recommendation   of   fertilizer    doses   and  they adopted the recommendation. The unit also distributed 3210 kg. of    vermi     compost and 16480 nos. of earth worm to farmers.   Fast    composting     technology     and demonstration BGA, Azola etc were also arranged.

Hydroponic Unit

It is a method of growing plants without soil. A multi-tier hydroponic unit is established in March 2022 especially for maize production which is used as green fodder in dairy unit.


Besides  the  agricultural   production  related  endeavors, Divyayan  also  imparts  training  in  the  fields  of    farm machinery, welding, carpentry and lathe turning. Special training    courses   have   been   designed    with  income generation orientation which help the trainees  to engage themselves  in  self-employment. In these courses which are practical oriented stress is also laid on demonstration and intensive hands-on experience to help the trainees in acquiring  self-confidence   for  undertaking     independent entrepreneurship

Computer Center

For storage, Processing and retrieval of large amount of data   and also for publication of  reports, news-letters etc., a well equipped computer centre is functioning. The centre has further been strengthened by addition of  networking infrastructure and bringing all the computer under one intranet for sharing data and other resources. The centre has also been linked with internet for upgrading the knowledge of the training faculty.

Automatic Weather Station

 An automatic weather station has been installed to record local weather data like atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind speed and rain fall. All the data gets recorded automatically and  gets down loaded to computer at regular interval.

Summary Of Infrastructure In VSS/Village upto March 2011

InfrastructureSl. No.ProjectNumber
(A) Community Buildings1NREP25
3Messo Ranchi1
4Bharat Petroleum3
(B) Solar Light1BREDA13
3Bharat Petroleum3
4Messo Ranchi1
(C) School Latrine1CDD/HEP etc55
(D) Recharge Tank1SDC6
3Bharat Petroleum3
5Serene Foundation2
6PCH Foundation2
7PCH Foundation (III)2
10IWDP( W.C.)34
(E) Lift Irrigation1DDC/Block2
6Serene Foundation2
7PCH Foundation2
8PCH Foundation (III)2
9Bank Of India1
(F) Vermi Compost/A.Tank1Serene Foundation7
(G) Biogas1DDC38
3Bharat Petroleum10
(H) Handpump1WFP315
(I) Solar Pump1Messo Ranchi2
(J) Dug Well1Jaldhara1182
(K) Village Resource Center(VRC)1ISRO4
(K) Gravity Irrigation1PCH Foundation1
(M) Renovation Drinking Water Well1JTDC(PEC)3
2IWDP( W.C.)19
(N) Renovation Dari1JTDC(PEC)10
(O) Nirmal Gram1RKMA1
(P) Birsha Awas1Messo Ranchi9
2Messo Khunti70
(P) Kishan Bhawan1Bank Of India1
(R) Green House1NHM5
(S) Kachcha Road1JTDC(PEC)5
(T) Kachcha Nali(Cannel)1JTDC(PEC)1


Updated on 16th July 2024