Concluding Ceremony of Golden Jubilee of Divyayan (1969-2019)
CLICK HERE FOR PHOTOGRAPHS Concluding Ceremony of Golden Jubilee of Divyayan(1969-2019) was organized from 22nd to 30th September 2019. During these 9 days a series of programme including Mantra Diksha, Dharma Sabha, National Seminar, Bhajan Sandhya, Chhau Dance, folk dance and song of Jharkhand, Bhagwat Katha were organized with great grace and grandeur. The celebration […]
Result of Annual Competition – 2019
Please click here to view the results of events datewise and group wise
Kharif Workshop – 2019
Divyayan Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Morabadi, Ranchi and District Agriculture Office, Ranchi jointly organized a “One Day Kharif Workshop” on 30th July 2019 to discuss about various possible interventions under the scenario of late monsoon in Ranchi District. District and block level officials and progressive Farmers, from different villages of the district were the main stakeholders […]
49th Annual Competition – 2019
Like every year, this Ashrama is organising annual competition for school and college students from August 18 to August 25, 2019. The competition will be consisting of many events like Recitation, Essay Competition, Speech Competition, Quiz competition, Music Competition, Sit & Draw and Pratibha khoj. For every event all the registered participants will be divided […]
Recruitment For the Post of Community and Gender Officers
RAMAKRISHNA MISSION ASHRAMA, Divyayan Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Morabadi, Ranchi-834008, Ph- 2551970, Alternate Provisional Contact Number: – 6202451007 email: The RAMAKRISHNA MISSION ASHRAMA, Divyayan Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Morabadi,Ranchi, is the implementing agency for an IFAD supported project through Jharkhand Tribal Development Society (JTDS). The project is proposed to be implemented in tribal locations of the […]
Appeal For Donations and Making Online Donation for Divyayan Golden Jubilee Commemoration
Divyayan is a project of Ramkrishna Mission Ashrama, Morabadi, Ranchi, which was set-up way back in 1969 for imparting training to village youths, particularly tribals, in various vocations like scientific agriculture, dairy, poultry, bee-keeping, horticulture, farm machinery, carpentry, welding, electrician, pump repairing etc. In early sixties, when the adjoining districts of Ranchi were in the grip ofsevere drought, Ramkrishna […]
Invitation of Quotation for the Sale of Eucalyptus Trees
Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Morabadi, Ranchi invites Quotation for the sale of 1,400 Eucalyptus Trees standing at the Maheshpur Farm, Angara The details of the trees are as follows: Class Diameter Range (cm) Average Height (m) 1 25-50 10 2 51-75 15 3 76-90 20 4 91-125 25 5 126-255 30 Conditions: Quotation is […]
छात्रवृति के साथ उद्यमिता विकास प्रशिक्षण के लिए आवेदन
छात्रवृति के साथ उद्यमिता विकास के लिए प्रशिक्षण के प्रथम सत्र (अप्रैल से सितम्बर सत्र) के लिए आवेदन करने हेतु इच्छुक एवं योग्य उम्मीदवार अपना नामांकन विहित प्रपत्र द्वारा दिनांक 25 अप्रैल 2019 तक नीचे दिए गए पते पर भेज सकते हैं | विहित प्रपत्र का डाउनलोड से कर सकते हैं | सेवा में, प्रशासनिक […]
Result of Recruitment Tests Held on 18-04-2019 for the post of FNGO Coordinator
Sri Ratilal Munda, has been selected for the post of FNGO Co-ordinator under JTELP-JTDS project sponsored by Govt. of Jharkhand through FNGO Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Divyayan Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Morabadi, Ranchi on the basis of recommendation of selection committee based on Written Test, Computer Test and Interaction Session held on 18th April 2019.
Recruitment For the Post of FNGO Coordinator for IFAD Supported Project
The RAMAKRISHNA MISSION ASHRAMA, Ranchi, is the implementing agency for an IFAD supported project through Jharkhand Tribal Development Society (JTDS). The project is being implemented in tribal locations of the Angara block under Ranchi District, Jharkhand. The following positions are likely to be filled, subject to availability of suitable candidates. Name of position : FNGO Coordinator, […]