Charitable Dispensary

This Ashrama has been rendering health care service through a Charitable Dispensary and Mobile Dispensary. Both the units have a pool of 17 specialist doctors of various disciplines like cardiology, gynecology, pediatric,, Skin & VD, Orthopedic, Eye, Dental etc., who offer their honorary service in regular basis.

The Charitable Dispensary have been established in the Ashrama campus which mainly caters its service to the poor and needy people of the Ranchi city. It has a good number of latest equipments like ECG machine, X-ray Machine, Suction Machine (ENT), Dental Chair, Computerized Refraction Machine etc for better diagnosis of the patients

The service provided at Charitable Dispensary are as follows :

  • Homeopathic
  • Allopathy (Consultancy)
  • Specialist Service

Performance of the Charitable Dispensary for the Period 2024-25

Sl. No.UnitNo. of Patients Treated
ECG Machine
Computerized Refraction Machine
2Consultancy (Allopathy)3024
3Specialist Service2922
Updated on 11th Feb 2025