Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Morabadi, Ranchi has been running ASSKs in different villages for value based integrated development of school going poor  rural children. In addition to teaching on school curriculum, they are given opportunity and support to manifest their potential talents in Yoga, sports and other co-curricular activities, kitchen gardening, keeping campus clean and green etc. Other activities like celebrating different national & social programmes   and different assignments   to impart patriotism, respect their own culture are also being organised throughout the year.   

This mentor scheme has been launched to connect urban people with the rural to reduce the rural urban divide and to create an opportunity for the    interested people to serve the rural children as their mentors in the spirit of “Service to man is service to god.”

A few important points for Mentors:

  1. A donor who wants to adopt a Akhandananda Shiksha Evam Sanskar Kendra run by Vivekananda Seva Sangha (VSS), a village level ex-trainee’s organisation of Ashrama will be considered as mentor of that Kendra. The Kendra may be selected by the Mentor himself/herself or by the Ashrama.
  2. Donor should be a respectable man / woman, above 18 years age, who has interest in child welfare & education.
  3. Donor will donate only Rs 30,000/ (Thirty thousand) annually to the Ashrama office along with a copy of Aadhar card & pan number. Donation receipt will make the person entitled for income tax rebate of 50% amount U/S 80 G.
  4. The teacher of the Kendra adopted by the donor will receive Rs 2000/= per month for 12 months from Ashrama regularly.
  5. Balance of Rs 6000/(Six thousand) only will be utilised for miscellaneous expenses.
  6. Donor may take online/offline classes or may interact with the students & teachers time to time for their overall development.
  7. The donor & his family members / friends can visit the Kendra atleast once in a year.
  8. Students & teachers of the adopted Kendra may also meet donor on mutually convenient date, time and place.  A family relationship is to be developed.
  9. A photo with name of donor will be displayed in the Kendra prominently with caption MENTOR.

Details of Mentor, Teacher & Students will be published in ‘Prabuddha Gram,’ quarterly magazine published by Ashrama.